Monday, May 31, 2010

How to Find Fashionable Modest Clothing and Where to Go...

Struggling to find a decent clothing for your daughter or yourself? Then stop here because I will show you a guide to the most fashionable up-to-date clothing!

Step 1: The modest clothing demand keeps growing as more and more people request retailers to provide clothing that is versatile and flattering to women of all sizes and shapes but still trendy and fashionable. The retailers listed in the next few steps have answered the call to provide more fashionable clothing to women of all ages that is inline with the styles worn today, but modest and comfortable to those who desire more wholesome clothing. Just a note: Some of these stores may not be in your area, and may require online ordering. As with anything, make sure your transactions are secure, and check return policies before ordering!

Step 2: Casual Wear/Dressy
1. I'd recommend a dress that is slightly above the knee and a 2fer may look good too. This site offers variety of clothing at very cheap prices!

2 Great Lengths: Shorts, skirts, and dresses at awesome prices. Look to buy during free shipping and sale times. Often they will send emails for ½ off sales.

3. Cheap, affordably modest clothing. Skirts, shirts.

4. Some really trendy juniors, plus and misses sizes for great prices!

Tiffany's College Tips

In college, we might be stressing out about school work and how to balance the two. Here are some tips you should consider:

1. Schedule a day to hang out each month with your friend, like going to a club or anywhere fun.

2. Work and study very hard! Then party later for your hard work.

3. Pick classes that are later in the day instead of in the morning if you can't wake up.

4. Dress in your favorite outfits during Mondays or beginning of the weeks to make your day feel better. Outfits in has numerous clothing for clubs. Check out their site as they have very cheap clothing!! Here's the 35% off code: Lucky4